Magic Kingdom Radio – Tracks on the Chopping Block

As summer comes to an end, we see the need to shake things up a little bit. That means that some of the tracks that you’ve been listening to on the radio station will soon take a hiatus. Below is a list of tracks that are currently on the “chopping block”:

  1. If You Had Wings
  2. Horizons Queue Music
  3. Fantasmic Exit Music
  4. Star Tours Area Loop
  5. Universe of Energy Theme Song
  6. Honey, I Shrunk the Audience Theme
  7. Planetary Boogie (This will be replaced by Sonny Eclipse’s full show)
  8. It’s a Small World (Will be replaced by a modified ride through)
  9. Wedway Peoplemover
  10. Soarin’ Exit Music
  11. Carousel of Progress (Earlier Version)
  12. Mission to Mars

Starting October 1st, you’ll hear some new tracks along with the return of Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party(for the month of October only). As you keep rating the tracks, we’ll continue to make changes. So keep the feedback coming in.

As always, thanks for listening to Magic Kingdom Radio!

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